Wednesday, April 13, 2005


At a consumer tradeshow... people are trying to score are free goods or girls (or boys)

At a technical tradeshow... people are trying to score points!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Sven·ga·li n. pl. Sven·ga·lis

1: A person who, with evil intent, tries to persuade another to do what is desired:

“a crafty Svengali who lures talented people with grand promises yet gives them little lasting operational authority” (Chris Welles).

2: someone (usually maleficent) who tries to persuade or force another person to do his bidding


3: the musician in the novel, Trilby, by George du Maurier who controls Trilby's singing hypnotically

Monday, April 11, 2005

Tivoli new music system ... Come on just launch the darn thing!

This is what I had from Tivoli back in December -- please launch the product've got a winner.... not everyone wants Satellite radios.... we just want something with halfway-decent stereo we can put on a shelf.

I'm keeping my eye on the web-site but it ain't giving me anything to look at.

The story so far....

From: <<<>>>>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 11:01 AM
Subject: RE: New CD Music System ?!?!

Thank you for your interest in Tivoli Audio. The product you are describing is the MusicSystem and it won't be available until Spring of 2005 and that is why it was removed from our webpage. Company policy prohibits me from providing further details. Keep an eye on our website for further details.
Have a great day
Customer Service Manager
Tivoli Audio

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Law 40 - Despise the Free Lunch

What is offered for free is dangerous – it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation. What has worth is worth paying for. By paying your own way you stay clear of gratitude, guilt, and deceit. It is also often wise to pay the full price – there is no cutting corners with excellence. Be lavish with your money and keep it circulating, for generosity is a sign and a magnet for power.

from: The 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene

Taxi Prices - Newburgh NY

Priority Club info as of 4/6/2005

Holiday Inn
542 ROUTE 9
FISHKILL, NY 12524-2224

Stewart Newburgh, NY (SWS) Area Airport
Distance: 15 MI/ 24.14 KM E
Taxi Fee: $15.00 (USD)
Time by taxi: 20 minutes

Actual Price of a taxi....

Quote 1) $42 - 290% the Holiday Inn suggested price
Quote 2) $50 - 320% the HI suggested price
Quote 3) $32.50 --- "Beakmans" -- the winner - only 220% the HI suggested price.........a virtual bargain!

Cost of economy rental car for a day -- $30 to 34

Pull your socks up Holiday Inn Fishkill!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Main Entry: chi·chi
Pronunciation: 'shE-(")shE also 'chE-(")chE
Function: noun
Etymology: French

1 : frilly or elaborate ornamentation
3 : CHIC

From Merriam-Webster online:

Monday, April 04, 2005

Newburgh, NY

Really not such a bad place! Everyone has that hard Newyorkiee aspect, don't ask anyone to repeat something, or maybe Californians are just soft!

Ate at some trendy restaurant that has been created in an old english pub-like building. It was called "Via 9 Nove" - good food, the people were trying hard! Have never been to NY area when there were any leaves on the trees - why is it always Winter when I come - stick-like trees and biting wind (cf. 75 degrees & balmy in Orange County).

Holiday Inn is just fine. Clean! Last night's hotel was not quite as bad as it could have been - but, it has to be said, it wasn't far away from the flocked wallpaper expected.

My taxi driver was a Sierra Leone native. Moved here with 2 masters degrees and ended up starting a taxi firm (all families taxis) because he couldn't get another job. His parents are still annoyed with the British for foisting the decimal current system upon them - 12 pennines became 10 pennies.

He has a point though doesn't he Germans.... those menu prices jumped straight from DM to Euros?!

Until later... Poughkeepsie!

Law 13 - When Asking for Help, Appeal to People’s Self-Interest, Never to their Mercy or Gratitude

If you need to turn to an ally for help, do not bother to remind him of your past assistance and good deeds. He will find a way to ignore you. Instead, uncover something in your request, or in your alliance with him, that will benefit him, and emphasize it out of all proportion. He will respond enthusiastically when he sees something to be gained for himself.

from: The 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Gone traveling

Have spent the whole day traversing this great nation bouyed by small bags or pretzels and boxes of 'chees crackers'. Stops in Atlanta (very busy!), DETROIT(yep Detroit) and landing in Newburgh/Poughkeepsie/Fishkill/New York State. This little Canada Air Plane is jumping around something fierce - very cute little jet though... I tell you, Boeing are just not going to keep up with all this competition There's only about 12 passengers on-board, probably dosen't help the buffetting.

Traveling is a mind numbing activity saved only by a laptop and a myriad of e-mails to catch up upon. Back in the real World (if you can all Orange County that) the kid is much better - sort of a day flu, which lasted a couple of days. The mother is a little less frantic.

Stopped in a 'Laptop Lane' to check my messages earlier - it’s an office that you rent by the minute (65 cents a minute to be xact + $5 flat fee). I have to say it was a nice thing to do for 16 minutes in a busy airport.

David Sylvian's 'Brillian Trees' is my traveling companion. Nostalgia and Weathered Wall are particular favorites.

That's about the sum of scathing wit I can muster at the moment - its been a long day....... Let's hope the hotel dosen't have the red flock wallpaper so loved of 2 star places 'back east'.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

When your child is sick...

When your child is sick
Your life is on temporary hold.
All your actions feel old
Nothing tastes good, sounds good or could ever be good.

Your spouse is frantic
Your house is colder than the Atlantic (or hotter than the Sahara)

.....And all the while, your child moans a little at first, and then quietly gets better