Newburgh, NY
Really not such a bad place! Everyone has that hard Newyorkiee aspect, don't ask anyone to repeat something, or maybe Californians are just soft!
Ate at some trendy restaurant that has been created in an old english pub-like building. It was called "Via 9 Nove" - good food, the people were trying hard! Have never been to NY area when there were any leaves on the trees - why is it always Winter when I come - stick-like trees and biting wind (cf. 75 degrees & balmy in Orange County).
Holiday Inn is just fine. Clean! Last night's hotel was not quite as bad as it could have been - but, it has to be said, it wasn't far away from the flocked wallpaper expected.
My taxi driver was a Sierra Leone native. Moved here with 2 masters degrees and ended up starting a taxi firm (all families taxis) because he couldn't get another job. His parents are still annoyed with the British for foisting the decimal current system upon them - 12 pennines became 10 pennies.
He has a point though doesn't he Germans.... those menu prices jumped straight from DM to Euros?!
Until later... Poughkeepsie!
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